
Just got back from a late lunch. I went with my dad today to his dentist appointment because I didn't have much else to do, and they have really good magazines there. It took like two hours though, and he had to get novacaine on one side of his mouth, so now he looks like he had a stroke. It was actually pretty funny. Then we went over to Circuit City around noon because they were having a sale and I wanted to get Ocean's 11 on DVD. The only problem is it was on of those 2 for $20 deals, so I had to pick another movie. And they didn't really have anything that I either didn't already have, or just plain didn't want. So I settled on Seven, and I think I'm gonna have a little Brad Pitt double feature tonight. How could you beat watching a movie with the sexist man alive? Watching two movies with the sexiest man alive. Then after the shopping we drove to Shirlington and ate at the Luna Grill. It was soooo good. I love eating there. My dad asked if Laela's dad was there, but he doesn't always go in because he's got another restaurant on Dupont Circle. I got a grilled cheese on Sourdough. It was really nice outside, so we ate out there. Shirlington's such a pretty area. Very upscale, but still nice. It's like a couple of blocks of Upper West Side Manhattan mixed with a bit of SoHo all stuck in the middle of nowhere Suburban D.C. Yeah, so lunch was nice, and we got our drinks comped because we know the owner. We had like one Coke each, but whatever, and then we drove home. I think later we're gonna unplug my computer and take it to the computer store because it's been acting up lately. It needs the software equivalent of Ritalin.

Okay, so at the moment, I'm online and talking to someone who I vaguely remember but not well enough to remember their name. And of course it's one of those awkward conversations where they're thinking "I hope they remember me" and you're thinking "How long before I've been polite and can say I have to go?". I always hate those things.

Yeah, so I think I'll go skating today. it's very iffy though, because yesterday I hurt my knee on the way home. Which was not cool because then I had to limp home. But as soon as I got home the pain went away of course. So then I spent the rest of the day watching Mona Lisa Smile and CSI. I'm not really sure I like Mona Lisa Smile. It was just a little too weird, and I wanted to slap Kirsten Dunst the entire time. She plays a bitch very, very well. I liked her better in Bring It On. I also don't like her with the reddish hair. It makes her skin look blotchy. I really like Maggie Gyllenhaal though. It's just something about her. She's a really great actress though. She was amazing in Secretary. It was a disturbing film, but she was amazing. Oh well, I'll get back to you crazy kids later. Aloha!


So, yesterday and the day before that, because at the moment it's 10 am, and I doubt you want to hear about what I had for breakfast. I had Frosted Flakes.

Day before Yesterday
In the morning I went with my dad to look at yard sales and I completely missed breakfast. I had brought like a little plastic bag of chex with me, but it was gone in a hour or so. So then we came back home and I had leftover pizza for lunch. After that I went with my dad to the mall because he lost his glasses so he needed to get new ones. It took forever though, because they didn't have the same frames that he got last time, so we had to go to two different stores. Then one the way back from the mall we went to an estate sale just for fun and I ended up getting Catch Me If You Can on DVD for like $5. Can you say score? If I took it to CD Cellar I could actually make money off of it. I think it sells there for like $10-11. Yeah, so anyway, then I went skating. It was so gorgeous that day, it was like I was in heaven. And there was a good strong breeze from the SE. At first I was just cruising down the top of the hill to get a feel for it, because I hadn't ridden up there before, but after an hour or so I was carving. It felt so great. I was stoked the entire time. I finished pretty late that day, around 7ish, so I spent about two hours skating. Which is longer than I usually would, but it was just such a nice day, and it's easier when it's later in the day because it's much cooler out. I think it was partly also because of the breeze, but whatever, I don't need to get into details. So after that I came home I have dinner and then I went into my room and I start watching television. And then around 10 pm I decided to have some ice cream. So it's about 11:30 and I'm watching Dharma & Greg to try to fall asleep because when I went for ice cream I ended up eating half a pint of Ben & Jerry's Phish Food, which is about 110% caffiene. And as I'm sitting there, I keep hearing this noise like someone is banging on an empty metal trash can with a stick, and I think it's just my dad watching something on television downstairs, and I can hear everything because the vent in my room is connected to the one down there, so I turn down the tv to try to hear what it is. And then I hear giggling. So I get up and I go to the window, because believe it or not, this happens way more often than it should, and I open up the curtains and I hear people shouting "Rachel." And of course it takes me like five minutes to open my window because the humidity has swelled it shut, and I see Liz and Jackie standing outside, and Liz is holding a huge 2x4 that she found in my carport, and was using it to bang on my window. So I go downstairs and open up the door for them because Liz had to go to the bathroom. Then we go up to my room and hangout for maybe 15 minutes, because they were suppposed to be back at Jackie's house by 11:30, and didn't leave till around 11:50. So they borrowed some movies and left and then I went back to sleep. Yeah, so it was just very interesting.

Kind of had to postpone the skating early in the morning because it's hard to skate in a church parking lot while people are at church. That and you get some really dirty looks from people. So I spent the morning watching Catch Me If You Can, and here's the thing. I don't really like Tom Hanks, I can't stand Leonardo DiCaprio, but I think I'm going to keep the movie. It's just that good. So after that I went with my dad to the computer store over by his office, so he could get the graphics card and stuff to fix my computer and so I can hook it up to the tv. Then we came back and he put everything together, and now I can watch all the movies that I have on CD on a bigger screen. Which is good, so I was really stoked about that. Then a little while later I went up to the church with my brother and we were skating for a little while when this guy on a BMX bike rides over to us, doens't really say anything, but just kind of watches us. Very creepy. So I skate down the hill, and as I'm walking back up I see him riding his bike up the hill behind me. So I give the board to my brother and he skates down once and the guy's just sitting there on his bike looking at me. And not in a "I think you're attractive " kind of way. So eventually he just stops riding up the hill and following us, and my brother decides to leave so he walks back home. And I spent maybe another half an hour skating because it was kinf of nice out. Except I think I got progressively worse as the day went on. Have you ever tried something once and been very good at it, but after you keep practicing you suck? Yeah, that's what it is for me. It's very odd. I vow never to practice again. Oh well, I'll tell you what happens today, tomorrow.


Okay, before I forget, I went out to Hollywood Video because my brother forgot to return a video game, so I dropped that off. And then I went looking through the previously viewed DVDs and of course I found something. I was actually freaking out in the store because I found Foolproof. Literally bouncing off the walls. I didn't think it would be released here this early. And I also got Mona Lisa Smile because I couldn't think of anything else, and my dad got In America. So now I've got movies to watch this weekend. Yeah, I can't believe that's all I had to say.

Oh, and as we were driving over to the store I don't know why, but I just kept thinking about how I told myself I was going to get over him, and then of course spent every second of free time I had thinking about him. I just hate this. Boys are stupid.


So, I just called the surf report at Spunky's in Florida, and there's absolutely no surf. I'm kind of glad I left when I did. Otherwise I would have just been depressed. Of course, now I don't even have an ocean, so I'm a bit depressed about that. Oh well, I'll live. So today, what did I do...? I can't remember. Let's see, I went skating right before lunch, and then I had one of those pizza Lunchables for well, lunch. It was kind of disappointing though. You know those little red plastic sticks they used to give you to spread the sauce? They don't have them anymore! I know! I'm outraged. Now you're supposed to make little smiley faces with the sauce and be cute like that. That's not how you make a pizza! Grr... I can't believe I'm venting about Lunchables. How sad is that?

Oh, right, so last night I watched Win A Date With Tad Hamilton, and I was about to cry at the end. And it's not even a good sappy chick flick. And the only reason I watched it is because Josh Duhamel is hot, but in the end I was totally siding with Topher Grace! I feel like I've betrayed Josh. I don't know, he just wasn't as hot as he is on Las Vegas. I can't explain it. Even though he was really cute at times, he just seemed creepy. Anyway, that's about all I can remember. From today and last night.


I'm back from my surf adventure in Central Florida, with a new attitude about life, and a severe sunburn. Just call me Elmo. So, to sum it all up because the details are boring, 2 days surfing + 1 day relaxing= okay vacation and an interesting start to summer. The surf was pretty good. The first day was awesome, and there were some bigger sets in between the waves to kind of get things going. The second day was okay, the surf was small, and you had to wait about 15-20 minutes for a set to come in. And then it was only two waves and I always got the worst one. While we were out in the water though, a reef shark about a foot long swam by. I didn't really see it, but John saw it so he told me to get on my board because I was just standing in the water, and then he paddled after it. And as a bonus I didn't freak out about it at all. My day of rest and relaxation was kind of nice. I just sat around the hotel and watched MadTV, assorted VH1 productions and read Caught Inside. Which I ended up finishing on the plane today. Such a good book. We also spent that day going to every surf shop we could find in the phone book at the hotel just to see what was around. We finally found this place called Inner Rhythm up around Vero Beach after we stopped by Lou's to exchange t-shirts and look at the apartments he has there for his surf school. They're pretty nice, and he's a really cool guy. So we went into the store, and it was nice, they had a lot of boards and tons of clothes. I got an O'Neill keychain because my one key is looking kind of lonely. I also got a Billabong one for my brother because my mom insisted that I buy him something. She seems to think he doesn't already have enough crap. And when I called him on the phone to ask him what he wanted he was just like, "fine, get me one." Not really caring at all. He always does that. It doesn't matter what it is, just "fine, get it for me." Not even a yes or a no. So I was kind of pissed at him for that. And at my mom for getting us lost on the entire trip. If it wasn't for me she'd probably still be wandering aimlessly around Central Florida. Yeah, so sorry this has turned into a bitch-fest, but I had no one to talk to the entire trip because Jennifer doesn't answer her phone, and despite leaving my phone on 24/7, no one bothered to call me. Oh well, I'm back, AIM is on, and still no one. Yeah, so anyway. Now I'm just mildly pleased to be sitting at home flipping through my Pottery Barn catalogue. So much for not going into details. Maybe later I'll tell you about the waitress at the restaurant who I swear was high on some illegal substance.


Sheer boredom.

1. WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Rachel Elizabeth McCarty
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? Stolen From Some Great Writer by Spitalfield
4. WHAT ARE THE LAST 4 DIGITS OF YOUR PHONE NUMBER? home: 1289, cell: 2866
5. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE? Cinnamon Apple Sauce
6. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? one of those really weird blue crayola crayons. Like aegean blue or something.
7. HOW IS THE WEATHER RIGHT NOW? Cloudy and humid, but the streets are dry, so I can go skate before it rains again
8. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? My mom yesterday when she called to tell me she was running late
9. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT THE OPPOSITE SEX? Sense of humor and personality.
11. HOW ARE YOU TODAY? I'm in a lot of pain.
13. FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK? I'm not a big fan of alcohol, but the only thing I've ever had that was alcoholic was a Rum & Coke.
14. FAVORITE SPORTS? Surfing, skateboarding, and roller hockey.
15. HAIR COLOR? sort of a dirty blonde I think. It's really really dull.
16. EYE COLOR? blue
19. FAVORITE MONTH? I don't know. I kind of like August
20. FAVORITE FOOD? ice cream
21. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? um... the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
22. FAVORITE DAY OF THE YEAR? any day I'm with my friends
26. SUMMER OR WINTER? summer
27. HUGS OR KISSES? I don't really care
30. DO YOU WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO WRITE BACK? I don't know. They can if they want to.
33. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS? Well at the moment I live in a house.
35. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? A color swirl or something? I got it from my dad's office.
36. FAVORITE BOARD GAME? Monopoly. I've always wanted to be Donald Trump. But with better hair of course.
37. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? I sat around and watched CSI.
38. FAVORITE SMELLS? Stickybumps Surfboard Wax. I can't even describe the smell, but it smells so good.
40. WHAT INSPIRES YOU? Other people's perfection.
42. FAVORITE CAR? '57 Chevy Stationwagon
43. FAVORITE FLOWER? Hibiscus maybe. I like sunflowers too.
45. CAN YOU JUGGLE? IF YES HOW MANY? Yes, and two at the most.
46. FAVORITE SESAME STREET CHARACTER? Ernie's duck. He didn't have any lines, but everyone always sang about him.
47. FAVORITE TYPE OF DANCING? I like to watch people tap dance. Especially Gene Kelly in Singin' in the Rain.
48. IF YOU WON $10, HOW WOULD YOU SPEND IT? I probably wouldn't.
49. MOST EMBARRASSING CD IN YOUR COLLECTION? Well according to Julia, she's no longer my friend because I own N'SYNC's Celebrity.
50. WHAT DO YOU SEE AROUND YOU? Lamp, lotion, speakers, cd's, Advil, every office supply known to man...

Well, that didn't cure it. I think I'll go skate.


So, it's over. It doesn't feel like it's over, but it's over. I have this weird feeling like I need to go to school. To protect my sanity. Or whatever's left of it. I went skating today up at the church by my house. It was kind of relaxing/kind of frustrating. I can't quite figure out the line yet. I keep having to change my stance. Which is very hard to do in flipflops. I know, I know. Don't skate in flipflops. But I love the way it feels! Almost like skating barefoot, which is even more fun. But I wasn't about to try that up there. And then on my way back home I was walking along the sidewalk and I saw an albino squirrel in a tree in my neighbor's yard. Copy-paper white. With red eyes. At first I thought it was like a very large mouse, but it was an albino squirrel. I'm thinking it's an omen. But a good one you know. The opposite of a black cat crossing your path. First off, white's the opposite of black, so it must be good. But I'm thinking that since a squirrel is exponentially smaller than a cat, I'm going to get a little good luck. I'm still trying to decide if finding a million dollars would be considered small by the fates at will here. I don't think I'd even know what to do with a million dollars if I got it. Probably buy a pack of gum.

Yeah, so I got back from skating, and then I watched CSI for awhile. Someone please explain to me why I always find myself eating while watching the grossest things possible. I certainly can't. I'll be eating a bowl of ice cream and end up watching them perform an autopsy. And yet I never stop eating and stare in shock. Never. Like I'm conditioned for that sort of thing. Me? Me! The girl who can't even look at blood without getting sick to her stomach, and just the thought of disecting a frog makes me ill. I guess this also might explain why although I do not enjoy any aspect of pain, such as cleaning a wound, I take a numerous amount of risks to cause such pain. I'm just weird. I think that's about as much explanation I'd ever get. You'd have to dig up Freud to figure out what's wrong with me.

Oh, and back to my book obsession. Which I know you all want to hear more about. The book I'm reading, Caught Inside, breath-taking. The writer is so in-tune with the world around him. It's not like anything I've ever read before. I'm getting this increasing urge to read all the classics now. Henry David Thoreau, Jack London. I might even try to read On The Road again. But it was just too abbreviated for my taste. I love the way Daniel Duane describes everything in intimate detail. It's just so passionate. I want to have that passion. I want to be that passionate about life.

Grr... I've got to pack. I'm not even sure if I'm going to get to go to Florida. My shoulder is in a lot of pain. It's pretty pointless to fly all the way down there and not be able to surf. Seeing as that's pretty much all we had planned. Who knows. I'm going to go to the doctor tomorrow to get it looked at. He's closed today, so of course my shoulder is hurting even more. Thankfully I've got a bottle of Advil to console me. I think I'll put off the packing for a little while. I've got all day tomorrow to do it. I think I'm gonna go skating with Michelle though. She wanted to try the hill near my house. It's really really steep though. I don't even ride it. We'll see how far she gets.

Nui Aloha


Okay, so bear with me, this will be long. I've got this weird obsession with books. I like to read them, but not very often. When I was a kid I used to read a lot. Like 2 books a day. I was weird. And I had a lot of free time. But now I view reading as an intellectual activity and whenever I do end up reading I feel very philosophical and serious. And partially amazed by what I'm reading. Just shocked by the flowing, perfection of it all. The way they can capture life and put it into words just amazes me. And so when I read I'm not so much inspired by the story, but by the words themselves. Individual adjectives and such. It's just so... weird.

Yeah, so that was pretty pointless, but I just felt the need to be intellectual. To be smart and creative. I haven't felt this way in a very long time. I've never really been inspired. I guess I am now.

Yeah, so extremely hard finals tomorrow. I didn't do much today. My mom picked me up after school, and she wasn't too late this time. Yesterday she picked me up an hour late. It was okay though, because I got to read. And I saw Mr. Maglisceau. We talked for like a minute as he was going to his car. He's such a cool teacher. Whenever I see him in the hall he always says hi to me and stuff. I wish I'd have him next year, but I'm a loser and I'm taking regular English 11, so yeah. Then I went to my mom's office to help her with something, which was totally confusing, because I'm still not sure what my mom does, I just know it has to do with EPA and the environment. Of course you'd never know that if you visited her office. For all the time they spend saving trees, they kill thousands. I spent an hour loading stacks of papers about an inch thick into a box. And I kept having to run to the printer because my mom kept printing things out of the internet, only to spend two seconds looking at them and making sure that what was on the website was what someone else had sent them. Completely useless. I told her she should just go out and find the oldest, tallest redwood in the country and cut it down. It would make a lot more sense. Yeah, so that was pretty much it, and now I'm studying. Actually, I'm burning CDs for Liz. She asked me to get like 11, but I've only got like 4 or 5. Oh well, I just felt like I should share some part of my day with the like two people who read this.



Okay, so I got el phono today and ... well, I'm a little stoked. But it's a new toy and all. The novelty will wear off soon enough. Probably by tomorrow. Okay, so my new number is 571-236-2866. You can call me, I can call you. It's magical.


My parents are getting me a cell phone today. Oh, I know, woohoo, and yay, and all that bullshit. I don't even care any more. I've been waiting for this day so long that any and all excitement I've been saving up over the years is now long gone. I don't even think I want a cell phone now. It's just such a hassel. I'll probably end up losing it, and then my parents will be pissed at me and convinced that I'm such a miserable, ungrateful brat and I can't handle any amount of responsibility at all. I hate their guilt trips. I can never fully enjoy something, there's always a hidden agenda. I know I wouldn't normally say this, but I almost wish I was like my brother, where I had absolutely no inkling of the turmoil under the surface, and yay, don't my parents love me. I hate getting gifts from my parents, because it's never just a gift, it's some symbol of their deep affection for me, or some such nonsense. So now it's no longer just a Barbie Doll, it's a Barbie that must be played with for hours on end and must never leave my side. As if a disease-ridden Barbie Doll that I've thrown up on a couple of times shows my appreciation for this gift that they have given me. I'm supposed to appreciate the fact that I'm not starving to death in a third world country, and will never see a Barbie in my entire life. That's a lot of guilt for a six year old. That's a lot of guilt for anybody. And it doesn't matter if it's a Barbie, or a guitar, or the drum set downstairs. They all come with guilt. And I eventually end up hating them because of the guilt. I asked for a drum set for Christmas for four years. And by the time they got around to buying me one, I didn't play the drums anymore. But no, I need to play it now, and get better and better until one day I become a famous drummer in a rock band, and can afford for them to live at a swanky resort for old people in Florida. God forbid some people stop liking things and their interests change. It happens. And waiting till your child doesn't want something anymore and then buying it for them just makes them feel like shit. I don't really want to hurt my parents, I love them. Or at least I think I do. Because this guilt is really screwing with my head and now I don't know what I want anymore. And now I feel guilty about this cell phone. And if I don't sound estatic when I get it, there's going to be more guilt. It's this never ending cycle. I just want the cycle to stop. I don't want my parents to buy me anything ever again. Because even if I get let down at Christmas, or my birthday, at least I'm the one who gets to control my feelings. At least I don't have to pretend to be happy. Because that's just lying to everyone, including myself. And I'm so sick of having to pretend, because I don't want my parents to see phony smiles and I don't want them to hear fake sounds of joy. I just wish they understood that. I just wish they did.


Pretty standard day so far. Went and got a hair cut and then my dad picked me up and we went to Office Depot to get something he needed and then over to Old Navy. I got 2 pairs of shorts and a tshirt but they didn't have these shorts I really wanted in my size, so we went over to Borders and I got a book and This Is Spinal Tap. I've always wanted to rent it, but I just never felt like it, so now I don't have to. It was only like $10 too, which was good. Something's Gotta Give is like $26 at Borders. Absolutely ridiculous. Then we drove over to Springfield Mall to go to the Old Navy there to see if they had my size, and they did. But when we first walked in it was so confusing because the floorplan is flipflopped and I was so blinded by the sun that I had no idea where I was going. Very not fun. Especially when I almost ran over like 3 people. All in all, an eventful shopping trip because I actually bought something, as opposed to wandering around aimlessly and then never buying anything, which my dad absolutely hates doing because it takes away from all that time he spends doing nothing. No actually, he was very cool this trip, only tried to dance in the store once and didn't whistle the entire time. He also didn't complain when I changed the radio constantly because I hate all the commercials and once I hear one I check the like six radio stations I like to see which one has music. Honestly, once you've lived without commercials, it's impossible to go back. Unless it's the Cingular ad where the kid is talking to his dad on the cell phone he bought him, and the dad keeps avoiding him and telling him he'll get his mom to tell him how much he likes it. It always cracks me up. God it's an absolutely gorgeous day out. I think I might just mow the lawn without being asked 20,000 times. Of course I'll spell my name out first then mow over it, but art comes first.

P.S. Sorry for constantly saying "absolutely" but I've decided that if something isn't full and absolute it can't be in my life. Which is why I threw out the half empty box of Cheerios that's been in the kitchen for about a month and it's all stale and gross now. Actually, I finished it and I kept because now it's absolutely empty. Yeah, so there are downsides...


As much as I want school to end and summer to commence, I really don't. I mean, you spend 9 months out of the year going to school, and it's just this cosmic routine that keeps your life in balance. And even when it's miserable, and you just want to die, you're miserable for a reason. But over the summer I'm not going to have a reason. There's not going to be some huge book I have to read, or a paper to write. It's endless boredom without obstacles. I kind of just wish that high school never ended. As much as I don't like school, I could do it for the rest of my life if I had to. It has to be easier than the real world. It just does. Because everything's simplified. You've got a routine, you've got a schedule. And it's all got the details planned out for you. Just walking from one class to another is a routine in school. Jessica and I used to know how much time we had to get to Latin, just by seeing other people walking in the opposite direction. We passed by them at the same time everyday. Time almost stands still in school, because there's nothing new or exciting, and you learn the same things everyday. It's just so surreal.

And now out of the philosophical and in to the here and now... my brother is on the phone with my mom asking if he can have a sleepover tonight. My parents told him he could only have one a month, so no matter what he has to ask every weekend. He can't just invite his friends over for like an hour or two... to braid each other's hair and stuff, he's got to have the full on Barbie-themed makeover slumber party. My dad even bribed me this week to invite friends over so that my brother couldn't have a sleepover. That's how desparate my parents are. They can't lock him in a prison cell, so they have to manipulate the world to make it inconvient for my brother to get together with his friends and raise hell. And they don't even do it the right way. They don't go trick-or-treating in February or slid down patches of ice in the sidewalk . They don't disrupt the world. They disrupt my house and run up and down the stairs screaming and arguing over what video game to play. And get this, my brother doesn't go to their houses, they all come to ours. Now I'm not going to say I'm not guilty of this either, I just might possibly be. Frankly, I like my house. But this is every god damn day with him. His friends spend so much time at our house that, in all seriousness, I'm pretty sure my parents are looking into adding a room on the house for them. Of course, even though my brother's friends spend upwards of 18 hours at our house each time, my brother is not actually playing with them. One of them might be upstairs watching Cops, two others are downstairs playing video games, and my brother is in his room playing games online. Honestly, my brother's friends aren't actual friends. They're frickin' court jesters with pointy hats and my brother is the king. He invites them over when he's bored, and there aren't any more video games in the world to beat, never just to hang out. Never for a specific reason. Just to entertain him. Which I guess would be a specific reason, but you get the point. There is no point. My brother needs a hobby. And he needs a new goal in life. At the moment he wants to beat every video game in the entire world.

God, why can't my brother play with Barbie's?


I'd like to point out on a very official note... Rum & Coke? Not as great as it sounds. As much as I support the movement for hiding liquor in soft drinks, it just doesn't quite make the cut. Yeah, I don't think I'll ever try that again. I think I'll just stick to milk and cookies. Just call me Santa Clause. Or weird fat girl with beard? I'm not sure whether I should be delivering presents or in a freak show. Somewhere an aptitude test is congratulating itself...

6/6/04 "The Weekend"

Okay, so, this weekend... Part good, part bad, as usual. Saturday... bad. I had this really really awful stomach pain. Truly horrible. I seriously wanted to die. But Sunday... good. Well, as good as it can get. It's been a very strange day. So this morning was interesting, I had this really weird dream that I kept trying to remember but I never could, even though I promised myself not to forget it because it was one of those weird things that can't be explained, even by a therapist, so I thought I would post it in the hopes that one of you would have some sort of hidden Freudian knowledge that would be able to explain all of this to me. I now also need an explanation for my run-on sentences. Yeah, so what I can remember is that Larissa and I were running around some huge city that doesn't bear a resemblence to any city I've ever been in, because there was like this Godzilla-like monster destroying everything. But instead of being somewhat vertical like Godzilla is, it was more horizontal, and had huge spikes on its back the size of the Eiffel Tower. Yeah, so we're running around, and chasing after people who stole my car, and then we run into a building and start pushing people out of the way on an escalator. Then I'm magically transported to this weird cabin, where all these other families are, and we're all trying to escape this monster, so we build this huge tent-like thing. Emphasis on the word thing. Not quite sure what it was. Yeah, and so that's all I remember. Thoughts people?

Wow, so I didn't plan on telling you that much, but now that you already know. So yeah, the rest of the day. This afternoon I made a mix tape for my dad because the pool we go to is having a Open House or whatever this afternoon and he's in charge of music for some reason. And now I'm just sitting around watching Gilmore Girls in what is turning into a marathon. And remember those surf wax scented floating candles I made? Yeah, that don't actually burn. But they do make weird popping noises, kinda like Rice Krispies but less crackle more snap, and explode. Ooh, but I just love this coconut scented candle my mom got me. It not only smells like a coconut, but it is one. Very cute, and it floats, so my room now smells like coconut.

PS. How much do I love the fact that there is a box in our basement labeled "Disease"?


Okay, someone please explain to me why I'm playing Texas Hold 'em with myself? I need someone to play poker with. I'm seriously dying over here.

P.S. Like I would ever stop writing in this thing? I just have way too much shit to say.