
Launching the new site today, hopefully. It's a little less happy than the original, but still full of sarcastic comments and strange moments. In other news, I picked up the newest issue of National Geographic Adventure, an extremely less geeky edition of National Geographic, minus the naked natives and gross food. And in it there is an article on this dude who scours the country for swimming holes. I picked a few of them as my all time vacation spots, the only problem is that in order to recieve a privacy rating of 3, they have to be like 2 miles off the road and through dense forest. So, along with wanting to go to these places I'd also like a machette or a chainsaw to get there. Oh, and a plane ticket and a car. A licence would probably help as well, but it's not necessarily needed. So, after reviewing my long list of things I'll need to go to these places I realized that I probably won't make it there in the next few years. Or the next few decades. Apparently plane tickets to Arizona aren't cheap.


Okay, I had the strangest dream last night. I was at a hotel by the beach somewhere, and I walked over to this outdoor seating area and there was this guy standing there with James van der Beek from Dawson's Creek. They were trying to promote a book. So I sit down and I start talking with James, and then I look out at the ocean and this dude catches an incredible wave and pulls back into the tube. Then he flys out of it and surfs all the way up to the sand. So after seeing this I excuse myself and go get my board and run out into the water. I catch a wave but end up getting sucked into the tube and wiping out. My board snaps in half, and I get out of the water. I walk back up to where James van der Beek is signing autographs and I get him to sign a piece of my board. And then I woke up. It was probably the weirdest dream I've had since I imagined that I went back to Holmes to see Ms. Iaquinta with Jake, Lauren, Jessica, Bret, and Danielle and the cheerleading squad helped us get a ball down from a clock tower. So yeah, I'd say I have one hell of an imagination.


Argh... I had two SOL tests today. I couldn't stand it. The first one went by pretty fast, but history took forever. And then I had to go to lunch because I didn't have a ride home, and that sucked. And then I came home and watched Dawson's Creek. I watched the last episode again and I cried. I mean really cried. It's so sad. It feels like someone just died. Except it's not just someone, it's a friend. I know it's kind of dumb to befriend television shows, but they really become a part of you. You learn from the character's mistakes. Okay, enough about how sad and pathetic my life is, I think I'm just going to relax today and try to get some of my work done. Or maybe not, you never know...