
Monday is my brother's birthday. I have no qualms about giving him a birthday present, because I didn't get him one. And I have no guilt about not getting him a birthday present because I know he'll just hate it and throw it out the window. The one thing that still gets me squicky though, is that he'll be 13. A teenager. Not a preteen, not a teen-in-training, not someone I can abandon on a Friday night because he can't see PG-13 movies. I wonder if this is how my parents felt about me. I'm sure my mom was terrified. I think she's still terrified, but that's just her way.

Anyway, I'll find some way to deal with the weirdness. Maybe force my brother to grow up and mature. Maybe that'll get rid of him sneaking into my room and scaring the crap out of me. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, where the hell did the last week go? Well it went a lot of places. A lot of cool places, but I have no time now to write them down. Or do I? When does my flight for hell leave? I'm not sure, but my mom woke me up at 7, and since she thinks it takes forever to get through airport security, I wouldn't be surprised if my flight leaves tomorrow. Okay, I'll just type it all out on the plane. And then once I'm done with that maybe I'll work on the script loosely based on my life, "Hell in a Handbasket." Oh well, I need to go to the airport. I think I'll get a muffin at the deli there. I always buy muffins when I fly. I don't know why. I just like their muffin-ness. When I flew to Maine I got a chocolate chip muffin at Dulles, and on the way back I got a blueberry muffin in Portland. Maybe I'll stick to scones. Or try a whole new level of breakfast pastry. Dunkin' Donuts anyone?

Oh, I forgot my mandatory Chris reference. Apparently mentioning one twice a week is not as great as every single day. Yeah, so we watched the World Series together on Sunday and Tuesday. And by together I mean him at his house, me at my house, and my sad little broadband connection keeping us together. Is that friendship or what? No, actually it was pretty awesome. We're going through this weird phase of coincidences. Like his dad would tell him something, and my dad would tell me the same thing at the same time. It's very weird. But good weird, not would you like to pet my frog and sniff my pocket protector? I'm off to the airport, call 571-236-2866 if you feel like talking or ranting. It's on all day.


After watching last night's episode of Everwood, I thought I would see just how many colleges sent me letters. Sure, it's not a grand old total of 50, but I think 35 is good enough. Now, don't think that Rachel is in high demand. She just made the mistake of writing her e-mail address down in box # whatever it was on the PSAT. Also, had I thought to count each individual letter, the number would be in the triple digits just from Drew Univeristy alone. Right before I came to update this I checked my e-mail, and sure enough, I have a piece of electronic mail from the University of Rochester. Probably telling me that New York is where I want to be and that Ivy League schools are downright mean and I would be much better off in the sanctity and security of ivy-covered buildings but not necessarily "ivy league", because they recently fired their janitor, who was also a part-time professor with a cocaine problem. Hello party school! No, actually I did get some letters from good schools, ie. Stanford, NYU, and the Worscester Polytechnical Institure.

Don't worry about me, I'm just having a little crisis. "Growing up," is what I believe they called it the last time. As much as I'd love to go to Bowdoin or UMAINE and shame my parents for raising me in Virginia, I also feel a little scared. Why? Well frankly I'm 650 miles away from the people I know. And it's not so much the distance as it is, "Hey kid, you're on your own." Now most of you who know me, know that when home alone I do run around in my gym socks, make grilled cheese sandwiches with the iron, and practice my Macaulay Culkin face. But it's not the same. For starters, my roommates will hassle me about my near impression of a child actor now arrested for drug possesion. And of course, he'll probably be in jail by the time I get to college, and making a reality show with Martha Stewart. "Extreme Makeover: Celebrity Jailhouse Edition."

Why if only I had a singing career like Ashlee Simpson! Then I could be paid to lip-synch to bad music and wear ugly outfits. Then I'd never have to go to college. I could also dye my hair black and pretend I'm nothing like Jessica. Which could be done without the hair dye in my case.

Ah, who am I kidding, you don't come here to hear me rag on Ashlee Simpson. You have dozens of tabloids to do that for you. You came to hear about my weekend. Well, I've forgotten a lot. Why is it I can remember what the Proclamation Line of 1763 is, but not what I did over the weekend?

Saturday I went to the Juke Box Diner with Michelle to celebrate our anti-Homecoming in the tradition of all teen soaps before us(Dawson's anyone?). Sunday I wrote the script for my next movie for Film Study. Yay for chess! Sunday I also blackmailed Katharine into starring in said production. Monday was good. We pitched our film in class. Actually, Cameron and Alex pitched our film in class. I just have issues with talking to crowds of people I don't know, and Amy, who will undoubtedly be making faces at me. This morning was awesome. I saw Katharine, she showed me her letter for Early Action at UNC @ Greensboro. She got in. A big whoo! for her. Although because of her, I had a little meltdown in the above paragraphs. I think I'm better now though. Just going over what my options are, it kind of helped. Maybe one day I'll finally decide. First period was not so exciting this morning. Well, no, that's harsh. We had about 6 of the German exchange students in just math, which is already as crowded as possible, so watching Mrs. Frome try to arrange them was fun. Learning we had a quiz was not. Failing said quiz, not fun either. Flex was boring as hell, but it did give me a chance to finish my Physics homework. History was about a 6, it's rating hurt by Mr. Kelly, but made better by Lauren and Julia. Physics, still boring. Enough said.

My god this is long. I hope you make it alive. Please stop for bathroom breaks every 5 minutes, and do blink occassionally.

10-22-04 "Yes, Again."

So I went to the Homecoming game. Yay for school spirit! It was okay, we won, by one point. Not exactly glamorous, but we'll take it. Jennifer gave me a ride there, and then we hung out until half time when I went in search of Lauren. I found her over by the band, and Sarah and Lizzie were there as well, so I chilled(literally) with them. We were frozen together by the end of the 3rd quarter. Chris was also there sitting with Ashley and Other Chris Who's In My Physics Class. I have yet to learn his last name, and I?m not completely positive on the "Chris" part either. It was really nice being able to talk to Chris, we've kind of been losing contact over the year. If it weren't for Gilmore Girls and the Red Sox, we'd have nothing to talk about. Which is sad, because it shouldn't be like that. Anyway, I was kind of hoping to test the boundaries, until the subject of whale genitalia came up. Yeah, the ominous Can of Worms? It will stay shut. We also briefly chatted on the "dance team" and Amy Mathis' attractiveness/pole-dancing ability. She was trying much harder than the other girls to provoke an erection. And I say this with complete cynicism, because I've had to see them perform 3 times today. Once was enough. And twice I might have been able to resist the urge to pull the trigger, but 3 was too much. Far too many times to see the gyrations.

Well, I'm spent. I need my sleep so I can wake up all beautiful tomorrow for a hard day of shopping, eating, and being 6 kinds of lazy.


I'm a pretty positive person these days. When people ask me how I'm doing, the answer is no longer okay, or "I hate school." Instead, its "good." Even though I have a nonexistent social life, no boyfriend, no job, no car, or even a license. But I have good shoes. And one day I will have a TiVo, so nothing can bring me down. In your face perky cheerleaders!

Ah, so much to discuss because school has been keeping me away from this thing. For starters:

My life is rated PG.
What is your life rated?

That's just how boring I am. But I promise that this entry will not conform to any of those standards.

Wednesday was incredible. I actually had a semi-decent day if I remember correctly. I went to Class Acts to see Lauren's and Amy's plays. They were awesome. The freshman kind of sucked, and Sarah and I were sitting there kind of nodding off, hoping that it wouldn't last as long as it of course would, now that we hated it. Sophomores did a nice job. Joe's a pretty funny guy. Their play reminded me of that movie with Alexis Bledel and Nurse Shelia about the fairytale princesses who go to group therapy. That I still have not seen. I think it was in Sundance. Arr. I can't remember. Anyway, both the Junior and Senior plays were excellent. Just outright amazing. Hawkins and Katharine were sooooo good. "Fifi" Heh. Always cracks me up. Amy won best play, which the Seniors totally deserved. And Hawkins won an award as well. Ah, I wish I could remember all the things I had to say. Not only do I need TiVo, but I need a tape recorder eg. JD on Scrubs. Thursday wasn't so bad, except Weintraut gave us our directions for our next film project. It's a chess game. I know nothing about chess. Thankfully I'm casting Katharine or there would be major suckage spewn all over. And by casting I mean blackmailing.

Lunch that day was pretty good, Jennifer and I were sitting in the hallway outside the cafe when some lady came up and yelled at us to move. So we went inside, but D lunch is so crowded that the only table left was the one they were using to sell PSAT results a couple of weeks ago. Surprisingly no one yelled at us for doing that. Today was good. Even though I completely forgot my lunch at home and was almost late for class. Math was boring as hell, but we made up for it by having another Columbia Elementary reunion. This one was significantly smaller, but still good, if not better than the last one. We were laughing our asses off. One day I think we'll all just show up with our journals from Kindergarten and make a day of it. The one thing I could have done without today was the Pep Rally. And I could have done without having to see the "dance team" gyrate to vulgar music in the form of "Dip It Low" by Christina Milan. Who, oddly enough, does the theme to "Kim Possible." Way to go Disney. First Duff, now this? Why don't you just beat me over the head with the Staff of Hypocrisy and get it over with? Yes, so the gyrating should not be tolerated. Honestly, "dance team" sounds a little too proper. Why not "Pole-dancing 101"?

Yeah, so that's it. Surprising. I thought I would actually have some stuff to say, but I guess not. That's what always happens when I wait too long to update.


I can't keep doing this anymore.

I can't keep downloading television shows. And trust me, it's not a decision of morals. It's just so exhausting that I can't do it anymore. I'm so sick of trying to organize everything, keep up with stuff, I just can't do it. So I've decided to take a step in another direction. I'm going to buy a TiVo. Of course I'm broke, so this thoughtfully phrased introduction is just another way of me asking for money. Please donate to the "Rachel Is Moving Into The 21st Century Fund" whenever you can. You can even donate multiple times.

Yeah, so besides asking for money, I had some other things to say. I think I might be going to Homecoming. Regretably, without a date, but I still might be going. Jennifer is forcing me to. She's making me go shopping to buy something nice to wear because apparently jeans and t-shirts are not proper attire. Such a stupid rule. Formal wear doesn't make me feel classy, it makes me feel insecure.

School wasn't as horrible as it could have been today. And I know I say that almost every day, but I'm really just counting my blessings. Film was interesting, Weintraut was out, so Mrs. Holmes filled in a gave us an "Intro to Film." Very historical. Very cool. We watched a bunch of films from around the turn of the century, and some of them were pretty funny and interesting. Yeah, so we put together our Production Binder, which wasn't really due today because of Weintraut's absence. That's pretty much it. Shocking, I know. I feel so... uninteresting today. Maybe tomorrow will be better.


Last night Jennifer picked me up and we went to Cd Cellar with Tyler for the standup comedy thing. Some of the comics were good, but most of them were pretty horrible. It just makes you wonder why people think they're actually funny. Now, I think I would make a great standup comic. I'm not quite sure why though, because all the jokes you see on here take an hour and half or so to formulate. Yeah, so Tyler got a kiwi Italin soda, and it was a little weird. I must be really behind because kiwi juice seems to becoming pretty popular all of sudden. Of course, I don't follow juice gossip columns. I just follow the ones that are juicy. Ha-ha!(See, that was spontaneous and look how much it sucked.) It ended around 9:30, and then we drove over to the Cheesecake Factory in Tysons for dinner. We were going to go before the show, but we were pressed for time. Dinner was really, really good. I had the Chicken and Biscuits because I'm horrible at choosing what I want to eat. I would have settled with a burger per usual, but I was feeling adventurous. We left around 11 and Tyler suggested with blow off whatever curfew any of us might have and see a movie. So we went by the cineplex off Lee Highway, but the only movie we would have been able to see was Shark Tale, so Jennifer drove us home.

It was a really fun night, and it was interesting to actually do something on Saturday night. I know you all think my life is glamorous and that I attend parties daily, but sadly, no. I pretty much spend all weekend preparing for the next week. There's lots of sleeping involved, along with a dash of homework, and a heap of shopping... for furniture. I don't even buy clothes. Which is becoming a problem, because Winter requires layers and I have like 3 shirts. So I'll probably need to go to PacSun sometime soon, which most of the time I hate. Or I could just order something online from Swell. They're having a bunch of sales, so I could fufill my weekly quota for being not only cheap, but also introverted.

Today I finally got to go play hockey. I went to Sports Authority and bought tape and looked at hockey gloves, but I don't know my size, so I didn't buy any. Then I came home, threw my stuff in a bag and my dad drove me over to Columbia. I was there for about a half an hour, because hockey by yourself is a little sad and boring. And playing for a whole half hour is exhausting. You'd think I'd be used to it because we rarely had enough people show up for games so have a second line, but no. I also haven't been playing for a while, so all the "muscle" I built up has deteriorated into mush. Yeah, but it was still nice to get to play. I'm not that bad. Certainly not in anyway good, but not bad. Besides, it kept my mind off last night's Red Sox/Yankees game. 19-8. I hate the Yankees. If the Red Sox don't win tonight(God forbid), I don't think I'm gonna be able to wait for next year. The baseball gods have not been kind of late. Perhaps that will change. I've discovered that if I wear my hat during the game, they tend to lose. So I've banished it to the chair. I'm crossing my fingers. Are you?


I'm getting used to updating this thing much more often. I don't know why. I seem to have less and less to say, but the entries just get longer and longer. Oh well, somehow you'll live, and drug companies will live better knowing that you're buying asprin in bulk because of me.

Yeah, so did a little shopping in Falls Church, and the greater Route 7 area because sporting goods stores are now non-existent. First I headed to the Container Store in Tysons to get milk crates so I can stop complaining about my storage issues. And now that I have them I'm regreting not voicing those complaints here. Just imagine how much fuller your life would be had I be completely vocal about my lackage of storage. Can you see it now? It's so full! Then down to CD Cellar which is just down the road. Looked around for Swirl 360's album, didn't find it. Or Midtown's first album. But I did get Second Thoughts, which is supposed to be a really good surf flick by some guy I've never heard of. But it's gotten plenty of attention, so I thought I would pick it up because stuff like that rarely shows up at CD Cellar. They're having a standup comedy thing there tonight, so I think I'm going to go to that. Afterwards we tried to find Play It Again Sports, but they're out of business. Totally sucks. I used to get all my hockey equipment from there. Sad. So then I called up my mom, had her look in the phone book for the other store, there isn't one, so we went to Replay Sports by REI. That store is crap. It's officially crap. They have nothing, nothing is shelved, just nothing. So that was a bust. Then we just came home because frankly, what else were we going to do? I think I'm gonna go to Sports Authority tomorrow and just buy a freaking role of tape. I don't know about the gloves though. They don't exactly have a lot in that department. Eh. I'm tired. But I just called Jennifer, and asked her about the standup thing, so I actually have a ride. I think Tyler's coming along too. Should be fun.


I think the universe is against me. Why can't I go play hockey? Because the pavement is still wet from the rain that fell like an ACME anvil. And even if that wasn't an issue, I can't find the roll of tape I had leftover from last season. And I'm extremely pissed off at the dweeb ref who made me take the tape off my stick. Sure, it leaves marks on the floor, but what is a girl supposed to do to get a little grip?

I did get a chance to go skate for a little while this afternoon. For like, 5 minutes. The clouds are gathering. Can't you see them mocking me? I also don't have a ride over to Columbia so I can play. Nor do I have anyone to play with. And I'm pretty sure the sun sets around 5 this time of the year, so I'm screwed. Ooh, good, lightning. The weather is awfully unkind.

School wasn't so bad today. It never is, unless of course it's that time of the month, or I'm extremely pissed off for any number of reasons. Art wasn't so bad, we actually made something. Sure, mine looks horrible, but what did you expect? Sports marketing was interesting for the first time ever. I don't expect that to happen ever again. And my fantasy football team kicked ass. 119-70. English was English. Rob and I spent the entire class talking and Paarth butted in about every other word. I swear to god, he's such an interloper (Ooh, vocab word! Who rocks?). If he's alive by the end of the year I'll be very disappointed in most of the people in the school. Film was okay. We finished watching the 2nd Year films. Then we voted on whose was best. How did Bret beat me? I set up an emotional rollercoaster ride that will leave you terrified, and he has Tyler run after a pizza delivery guy? Sure, he gets points for capturing the subject in its natural habitat, but still! We lost by two votes. I'll get him back though. Just wait.

I just looked out the window. It's pouring. We doesn't Mother Nature just spit in my eye? Oh, I need to find Swirl 360's album. It's driving me crazy. Amazon lists it for like $40. And if you haven't figured it out yet, Rachel is dirt-poor. And cheap. So if you ever see it, please think of me and buy it. And then forget to send me the bill. You'll be saving my wallet and my ears from the nasty bug that is emo. I love the quote in Jay's profile. "Support Emo. Break Someone's Heart."

Anyway, tomorrow is Sam and Lauren's 6th month anniversary. Lucky girl. Lucky Sam. Have fun at Cirque du Soleil and laugh at a sad Canadian clown for me.


So I did something stupid today. And Yesterday. And most likely the day before that because, frankly, it's a general theme. I started something. I opened a can of worms that should probably be left nameless. And said can of worms has no idea, because, well I'm super great about keeping secrets. Except for when I told my brother my mom was putting vegetables in his pancakes. But I figured that was really something he should know. How often would you like to wake up to green pancakes? I'm still a little surprised how long it took him to figure it out though. Anyway...

I've almost finished drawing up plans for the ol' kitchen remodel from hell. That will never happen. Yeah, those stupid wall cabinets will be the death of me. And metric measurements. Stupid Swedish IKEA. School was a bit of a bummer today. Although History wasn't as horrible as it could be. The less Mr. Kelly tries to teach, the better the class is. Physics wasn't so bad either, mostly because time seemed to actually pass. I was a little worried about Math because I hadn't finished the homework, but Mrs. Frome said we could turn it in next time. My ass? Saved.

I was super tired last night. I fell asleep at like 8. I think I over-caffeinated for the PSAT. I woke up around 9 and did my History homework, but I was way too tired to get through Math. Yeah, I'm sorry, I just rambled on for two paragraphs about school. And I know you're all starved for the intimate details of my life, so... What do you do when a can of worms falls into your lap brandishing a can-opener? You open it right? I thought so. I'm so screwed. And certainly not in a good way. Why does this always happen to me? And on a regular basis? Rachel's screw-ups - you could set your watch by them!

10-12-04 "Theme: Abundance of Muffins"

Mental Picture: Me, in a Red Sox hat, doing my best lounge singer/Jack Black impression whilst signing "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. Hot enough for you?

Anyway, I'm back from my weekend away in the wild blue yonder. It was amazing. The weather was gorgeous. Friday was a little trying though, because although my mom is a world traveler, and seems to manage navigating foreign airports without a twitch, can not get through the god damn security without ending up frazzled and spazzing in a corner. And ADD boy cannot, no matter how much Ritalin my parents sneak into his food, stand still. Saturday was fun, we pretty much had nothing to do, so I measured the kitchen so I can start drawing up the extremely expensive/gorgeous plans for its remodel. Which I was told will be paid for over my dad's dead body. Cyanide, anyone? No, no. I think he'll cave. Or I'll get my mom to side with me. That night we went to Pizza Hut in Windham and my brother got one of those stupid super balls from one of the toy/temporary tattoo/random objects used to annoy older siblings. Anyway, we went out into the parking lot, which was pretty much empty, to play with it, and he almost ended up breaking a window. Twice. Okay, three times. None of which were my fault.

Sunday we went over to Deb and Tim's, and went out for dinner at Gritty's. Ariel drove me, Marissa, and ADD boy. Who insited on bringing his GameBoy, ordering dinner, and then not eating it. Yeah, so we left early while the parentals chatted and paid the check. We went back to their house and watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and laughed at the girl who was allergic to sunlight. We weren't necessarily laughing at her because of her allergy, but because Ty had them install huge awnings over the pool and the entire backyard, and there were still spots of sunlight everywhere. We left after Desperate Housewives, with what we thought was just enough time to make it back for the last ferry that night, which was at 11. We called the ferry when we were about 20 minutes away and asked them to hold it for like 5 minutes because we didn't want to miss the last boat. So my dad upped the speedometer and we raced home about 35 mph over the speed limit. On winding, back-country roads. Lots of fun. It was actually kind of exhilarating. Thankfully there weren't any cops out that night. Yeah, so we made it to the ferry landing at exactly 11. Dumb luck.

Next morning we finished closing up the house, put the tarp over the boat. We had to bring the awnings in, and guess who was still in there? Felix! He's been living in them all summer. In case I never actually explained it before and that's why you didn't have a clue when I told you to guess, Felix is a bat. I named him after Felix the cat. But when I found another one living in the bat box, I went with an Odd Couple theme and named it Oscar. Oscar was sadly not there. Yeah, so after that we locked up and drove up to Brunswick so I could go take a tour of Bowdoin. I've narrowed down my choice of schools. At the moment the list is,

1. Bowdoin
2. Bowdoin
3. Univerisity of Maine
4. UVA

Yeah, so definitely going to Bowdoin. Even if it means I have to work my ass off. I absolutely love that place. My tour guide was so nice. She was a senior and she was majoring in architecture, so I thought it was a good fit. The only problem is that I have to learn to ice skate. I still can't do it. If you see some sad girl sitting in the middle of the ice rink, limbs flailed in various directions, please do say hi. I don't see how it's any different from rollerblading, but still. I fail miserably. Well, I have 2 years to learn. Hopefully I'll get it together in that time frame. Afterwards we met Deb, Tim, and Marrisa at the China Rose(another reason for going to Bowdoin, good food). Ariel had some school thing I think. I ate about half the buffet. Then we went over to L.L.Bean and I bought Lauren the black polo she was looking for. We walked around Freeport and my mom and Deb went to Brooks Brothers, so Marissa and I followed and played the "Who Can Find the Ugliest Pants" game. You would not believe the ugly pants you can find in that store. Hideous. I outdid myself beyond my expectations. I was exceptional(love that word!). Anyway, I pantsed Marissa. It's how you win, don't get dirty. Yeah, so then we left for our flight, which was half and hour late. And the soda machine ate two of my dollars! And we had to go outside security to get dinner, and then go back through it again to get back into the terminal. It was not fun. I took my belt off so often I thought I was working at a half-hour burlesque show. Ah, bad analogy. Yeah, so slept on the plane, woke up cranky this morning, had a headache all day, and now I'm trying to do my English homework and watch Gilmore Girls.


Off to Maine for the weekend, we have to close up the house. If you need me, here's my cell phone # 571-236-2866. Call as often as you like, it's on 24/7. Some good news though, the store on the island is having an end of summer sale and that means they need to get rid of everything, including the gigantic mountain of candy that awaits you just inside the door. So call me or text me with the name of your favorite candy bar and I'll not only help you develop diabetes, or at the least put you in a sugar induced coma, but I'll also be helping the store. So act now. I figured it would be better than bringing back everyone a magnet in the shape of Maine. Oh, Red Sox paraphernalia's a big hit too, so baseball caps will be the first thing I try to get past airport security. Anyway, enjoy your weekend because I know I'm going to be enjoying mine.


Two words: CD Cellar

Still pretty good deals though, right? I'm still looking for Midtown's first CD. One day it will be mine. Well, if Amazon.com has their way, 5-7. Bad news though, Cauterize, one of my favorite indie bands that will forever remain mine because two of their CDs were in the clearance rack. I think I bought my copy for like $10. I'm not regreting it, I'm just sad. Anyway, today could have been worse. Had I actually paid attention to Ms. Gray in physics, I would have blown my brains out. Thankfully I spent my time doodling and pretending to take notes. I would have napped, but I'm no longer in a prime position to do so since she moved us around. I'm still next to Mary Read, but Danielle's in the back of the class. Yeah, so I only know like two people in my entire class. I didn't know anyone in Chemistry last year, and look how that turned out. Of course my continuing friendship with Alexis stipulates that I no longer have whiteout.

I'm not really in the mood to go to school tomorrow. I'm gonna be up all night tweaking my essay for English because I'm a perfectionist like that. And then Film is going to be a dissappointment because Weintraut is being mean. I can't believe he's going to give us a C+. If Bret gets a higher grade than I do I'm gonna be pissed. There will be steam coming out of my ears. But at least I've got some CDs to help me through it.


I've decided to evoke the memory of the now culturally defunct pro/con list to explain today.

  • Crate & Barrel glasses arrived today
  • Stayed after for like 5 minutes doing a crossword puzzle with Amy
  • Surfer mag finally came
  • Lost 4 pounds
  • Still sniffly
  • Cafeteria replaced vomit-surpressing meat-like substitute with vomit
  • Kick ass film? C+

Even though the pros outnumbered the cons like fat people and treadmills at a gym, I still don't feel very positive at the moment. I'm sure it could have been better, but it just wasn't. I feel so blah. Not even ice cream could save me now. I need to buy more Crystal Light.


According to the clock school was only 3 hours long today. It felt like a regular day. That may have been because I stayed after until 3ish. Classes weren't bad. I was totally freaking out in the morning though, because I thought I had a math test. False alarm though. History sucked. Mr. Kelly really is an ass. I didn't believe it before, but now I've seen the light. Physics sucked because I had an awful headache and Ms. Gray just would not stop talking.

After school was awesome. Cameron, Alex and I worked on our film in the lab, and we finally got it done. Alex left around noon, and Cameron left around 2. We got it all done though! And it kicks ass. Major ass. After Cameron left I hung out with Amy, who was still editing the film she made with Andrew. Do you know how unsettling it is to be in the cafeteria by yourself? Completely alone? It's creepy. I bought myself cookies and I got Amy a bag of Doritos because she ate most of Bret's. And if you thought the last part of that sentence sounds a little off, here's more. We're on speaking terms. I gave him some tips for editing his film, and I talked to him online today. We're not the best of friends, or even friends at the moment, but who knows. It's just strange. Then Amy gave me a ride home and we listened to emo in the car.

That's pretty much it. Well not all, I IMed Chris and asked him why he likes the Redskins. He told me it's because he's proud of his hometown. I told him it's not an excuse for liking a crappy team. I think he's mad at me. And I don't really care that he's mad.

Oh, mahalo to Lauren for helping me with my essay thing. And for the icon. And for just about everything else.


I'm sniffly. Today pretty much sucked. I mean, I kicked ass at hackysack today, again, but all my classes were awful. In Art today I found out that although at one point in time when I was say, 6, I could color inside the lines. I have since lost that talent. We had to make color wheels. I can't mix watercolors. Why did they let me in that class? Marketing was bland, and I was extremely bored. We had to log onto the school's network and most of the class is comprised of idiots, so it took an inordinately long amount of time. English was bizarre. Enough said. I spilled lemon juice on my pants in lunch today. I felt like such an idiot. Film was okay. Amy ate all the good parts of my Chex Mix and left me with the pretzels. Why are there so many of them? No one likes them. I had to bribe people to eat them. I'm not even close to finishing editing our movie. Most of our shots can't be used, so I'm having to scrape together tons of random crap to make it look presentable. I'm going to have to stay after school tomorrow. It's not that big a deal because we get out at like 10:30, and wait... Ellen comes on at 11. God I hope she's interviewing Justin Timberlake or someone else I don't like.

Anyway, my weekend almost sucked. I made the best of it at the last minute. Saturday it was pretty icky, but Sarah was having her yard sale thing, and she was selling one of those kick ass Razor Scooters for like, $10, and my mom never let me have one, so I bought it from her. I then relished in my new toy and went up to the church parking lot to prove my coolness. I fell. And hurt my toe. There was blood everywhere. I still think I handled it well. Can't break my coolness factor. On Sunday I woke up relatively early(read: slept in) at 8 and went with my dad to drive down to Charlottesville to pick up my great aunt, who was staying with my dad's cousin down there. First we drove to UVA and circled the campus at least twice before we found a parking spot. Then we took a short walk around one of the dorms. They don't have air conditioning(minus 1 point.) It was really pretty, and relatively nice out. Everyone was walking around drinking coffee. It was kind of weird. Then after that we went to my dad's cousin Tommy's house(I'm not sure what my relation to him is exactly), which is just right around there. We stayed for lunch, which consisted of sandwichs. They had good bread. Anyway, so I think the last time I saw these people I was like 8 and at another one of my dad's cousin's weddings. I swear, his side of the family is so huge. Everyone has 9 kids, literally. Anyway, so they offered us lunch and we stayed and talked for a little while. They were extremely nice. Again, I don't even know them, and Tommy's wife Diane said that she knew a TA at UVA, and I could come down and visit her whenever. I don't even get that offer from close friends. Well, I do. But still. It was really nice of her. Then we drove back and stopped at a roadside stand about halfway home and picked up some locally grown apples. I had one for lunch today. So good. Yeah, and then we picked up craps in Fairfax City and had them for dinner. They were good, but there's just so much work involved. I totally like lobsters bettter. They're not as gross.

And that's pretty much it. I'm feeling a little better at the moment. I have one of those BreatheRight nasal strips on because I was watching the commercial and they said they were good for sinus pain. My mom has them because she snores like a water buffalo with a deviated septum.

Aloha, Rachel


It's October. It's also Friday, according to Mary, who informs me of the day every morning. Math today wasn't so bad, a short quiz, which I'm not so sure I did well on it because let's face it, I suck at math. Math Flex was awesome though, because we had a little Columbia Elementary reunion at our table. It was me, Jennifer, Allison, Mary Draper, and Laela even came over after a little while. It was a lot of fun. It really brought me back to the good ol' days of recess and snack time.

English Flex wasn't so bad. Rob made fun of me. I made a face. Paarth interrupted. It was just like any other day. But we had a fire drill during the middle of it. Which wasn't that great because I wasn't near anyone I knew. I mean, I saw Julia, but she was talking to some A-Blast losers/band geeks(they're hard to tell apart from far away) so I steered clear. History wasn't so bad. There seemed to be less note taking, or perhaps I'm just getting used to it now. I'd hate to think the latter was true, because I abhore note taking and think it should be sent to hell, or to live with Tara. Either way, there's still some dude in red poking a stick at you. Or, in Tara's case, tranny with a 'tude.

Lunch was okay. I completely forgot about the crackers I brought with me, and I just ate the poptart I brought. Oh well, there weren't many anyway, Jennifer ate most of them in math. I was really tired though. About halfway through I tried playing hackysack and I could barely lift my legs. I had to lean against the wall. Totally not cool. Especially since I still had Physics left and the chance that I might zone out/fall asleep in that class is extremely good. Forget chance, it's an everyday occurance. You can set your watch by it.

Got home today after a several attempts at a nap on the bus. Read this week's Jack & Bobby recap. Wasn't as good as last week's. Oh well, I'm sure Everwood and Gilmore Girls recaps will be out soon, and those are generally better. Then I watched a couple episodes of Scrubs and ate two slices of pizza. And now I'm absolutely exhausted. I think I'm gonna check on the Red Sox/Orioles game and then start up another Scrubs. I'll probably fall asleep during that last part. Well, it's the plan anyway. Sarah's having a yard sale tomorrow, so I'm going to go see if I can barter for her childhood memories. That's the reason why my family doesn't have yard sales. Every piece of crap has a story, and even if you can't remember what it was, and don't really even remember ever owning the thing in the first place, you'll regret selling it when you remember the story 10 years down the line. Which is what my parents plan on doing. So there's officially no space in our basement. Except for my little area. I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet, but I have big plans.