Nothing at all.

Ben Folds Five: Whatever and Ever Amen

Wilco: Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

Augusten Burroughs: Running With Scissors
So glad I didn't grow up like that.

A. C. Weisbecker: Cosmic Banditos
Silly but down-to-earth, and the only book I've ever read to successfully incorporate quantum physics into a story. Absolutely hysterical.

Pamela Ribon: Why Girls Are Weird
Great book, and it'll make you think twice about Barbie Dolls.

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Big Blue

For finding out that, yes, the surf is better somewhere else. And it's far, far away from where you are.
Pop Culture PRINCESS.

Tiny Mix Tapes
THE music source.

Television Without Pity
Recapping bad television so you don't have to actually watch. It's the reason I get up in the morning.

May '03
June '03
August '03
September '03
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January '04
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July '04
August '04
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December '04
January '05


I haven't updated in a week because I forgot this thing was here. No joke. I've either been too busy to have time, or too bored to remember. Honestly, it just now dawned upon me that I have this to write in. To bitch and complain about this two page report I have to write about a NASCAR driver. I'm also supposed to include pictures and give a 2-3 minute presentation tomorrow. I just might die.

What kind of evil assignment is this? How in any way does this relate to sports marketing and why, oh why, did no one talk me out of this class? Well, actually here's the really sad part. Mrs. Taylor did try to talk me out of taking Sports Marketing. God I miss having her as my counselor. She told me that people either loved or hated the class and you really had to like sports. I must have thought that I loved sports. I mean sure, I love surfing and hockey and the Red Sox, but those are sports we have never discussed in class. All we talk about is basketball, football, and NASCAR. Can you say redneck? Even the guy who's on varsity soccer tries to bring up something about soccer and Mr. Hiatt shoots him down with the fact that soccer isn't as big in the US as it is in Europe. It's almost like saying, "Not my fault you decided to immigrate here." Okay, so he's not that awful, but still. Where's the variety?

I really can't keep going like this, I'll end up breaking something if I get all riled up. Today has been just about the most boring day ever. I have done literally nothing important since I woke up. The only exciting anecdote I can offer you is that I woke up in the clothes I was wearing yesterday because I was trying to stay up late enough to watch Jack Johnson on SNL and didn't make it past 10. What a sad statement that is. Okay, so I got a letter from Davidson College in North Carolina, which I've never actually heard of before, seeing as they haven't sent me 10 postcards and a poster like Elon University did. I read the brochure and it looked kinda meh to me until I read they have roller hockey as a club sport. So it's this place or Bowdoin now. This prompted one of my fabulous pro-con lists because I'm a rebel with a knack for danger.

Closer to homeCloser to home
Concentration in Film and Media StudiesNo major I'd like along with said concentration
Roller HockeyBritain's Royal Shakespeare Company
Warmer ocean temps2 hours from the beach
Frat houses

Far from homeFar from home
Campus I loveVery cold, very long winters
Women's Ice HockeyI still don't know how to ice skate
Best food in the countryI'm a picky eater
Lots of majors, small class sizeI don't know what I want to be
I won't have to come home during the summerI'll be forced to since I don't have a car
Red Sox and Sea Dogs
No frat houses

It appears that Bowdoin is still winning. But this other school could be worth looking into. I was thinking about perhaps taking a college tour when we drove down to South Carolina for Spring Break. So much for that though, because it's in the middle of freaking nowhere. We'll see, I'm sending out for a more detailed brochure.
posted by Rachel | |

3-6-05 "It Made Me Smile."

On Friday Jennifer and I went boozing and cruising minus the boozing. We went to CD Cellar, where I was not informed that Jennifer would actually look at every CD there, while I just kind of looked here and there. This is really the only reason she has more CDs than me. I'm just lazy. While rumaging through the stacks she found the Ben Folds Five CD that I was looking for. I am eternally grateful to her for that. I was transfering the songs to my mp3 player today and took the chance to peruse the liner notes. Something I never, ever do because no one has ever thanked me in their liner notes so what's the point? Somewhere in there is a long paragraph where Ben Folds personally promises all the content on the disc is the work of many, many hours in his home studio. And that they took proper care to only include the best takes and had the producer fix some tracks so that there are no "musical mistakes problems." Sony also makes a promise that the CD meets "critical quality standards" and will refund anyone whose disc has a manufacturing defect.

I just love how I found it in the "Slightly Scratched" pile.
posted by Rachel | |


I'm so exhausted right now, you have no idea. Such a busy day. It'll probably get worse tomorrow once I start my homework. Today was the longest shopping trip ever. Well, it was only about 4 hours long, but it felt like forever.

First we drove down to Lowe's with the intention of looking at and buying curtains for my room because these Martha Stewart creations are just driving me nuts. We never quite got there though, because I spotted a Target. I just love their commercials. Never really had a reason to shop there, but I do now. So while I was there I bought a throw pillow for my chair because the two I have no are the sorriest pillows in the entire world. I saw soe other stuff that looked cute, but I didn't think I needed them because we were headed for Ikea anyway. So we got out of Target, went to a carwash because my dad's car is filthy, then went across the street to Hancock Fabrics under the misguided notion that I could make my own curtains. Didn't get to test that though, because they didn't have any fabric I like.

After that we went to Ikea because I had originally just wanted a piece of carrot cake, and Ikea has the best carrot cake in all the land. Really, I'm serious. I could talk for days about their cake. But I'll spare you that. So we get to Ikea, find a parking space near the entrace. Then we walk around for awhile, took a couple of shortcuts because by that time my dad and I were running on empty. I bought a couple more magazine boxes because I have so many magazines and I had used up all the ones we bought last time. At this point in time I now have 6 of them. I also bought those rattan baskets that I had been looking at for years but never picked up. They work great, and I stuck the milk crates in my closet to hold other stuff. So we're recycling.

That was pretty much it, and at the end of the day I still didn't get my carrot cake. I did get fried rice though, so no complaints. And my fortune cookie was more than generous. I've still got to set up that zen garden my aunt gave me for Christmas. I'm a bit neglectful I know, but I really haven't had the space up until recently. I beat Spring Cleaning by a good 3 weeks. Now I've just got to stay up late enough to watch MadTV and SNL, because really, this is getting ridiculous. The last time I tried I ended up popping in a tape to record The Red Green Show and crashed around 10. I can't stay up late, and I can't sleep in. What the hell am I supposed to do in college?
posted by Rachel | |


I'm on the verge of falling asleep at my desk right now. The comedian in me sort of wishes it could have happened during dinner, because there's nothing funnier than a geriatric face plant in a bowl of stew, but alas, I was awake. So not the case now though.

Today wasn't so bad, I had to choose classes for next year. And even though I had an extra six days to decide because of the snow, I was still undecided as of Art. So I had Linda and Vicki read the course catalog and offer up suggestions. They're completely unhelpful. But come English, I did choose. Introduction to Interior Design and Fashion, Business Management, and Creative Writing. So not the way I was going to go either. But I think it'll work. And it'll be fun. It should be fun, it's my senior year. That little sentence right there scares me to death. If we wanted to really isolate the problem I think we could narrow it down to the word "senior." Because being a senior implys that it will really all be over next year. And then I have to go to college. And I don't get another year to pick out my prom dress, or plan the greatest senior prank ever. I'm out of time.

God, I've got to stop talking about that or I'm gonna have a panic attack. Yesterday I stayed after school to watch The Day After Tomorrow. It wasn't too bad. Although the people that are in charge of the movie club now are the most... I don't even know. There are no words to describe the fun they've sucked out of Tuesdays. They drew up a charter for the club. We have a President, Vice President and Treasurer. What happened to the free popcorn and soda and the NO TALKING DURING MOVIES?!? Oh my god, you would not believe how much time those two spent talking during the movie. Now, I will admit that when I watch a movie, I don't shut up. But I whisper. I don't talk and shout while other people are watching. I couldn't hear the movie for a good 30 minutes. And then the kill-joys had to leave, so it was just Dan and I. Then he had to run an errand, so it was just me. Me sitting alone in the classroom. Why, it was beautiful. I took the opportunity to poor myself a glass of soda without paying for it. Because that's part of the charter you see. Fifty cents for popcorn and soda, and another twenty-five for a refill of either. Plus the $1 you paid to see the movie in the first place. Too damn costly. You know me, I'm cheap. I'm extravagent, but cheap. Oh, and to save the best for last, next week's movie? A Cindarella Story. That's right, Hillary Duff. Um, ew.

I should probably get back to my homework. I've got a bunch of quizes tomorrow. And seeing as I spent all of today cleaning my room. Well, not so much cleaning as organizing. I went through my closet again and got rid of a lot of stuff I didn't need. Worksheets from 7th grade and the like. My room still looks like a bomb exploded in Ikea though. Some day I'll figure out this mess. Hopefully soon. I keep tripping on stuff.
posted by Rachel | |

2-25-05 "Boring"

No school today or yesterday. I don't think I could have handled having to go back to school. I kind of just took today to relax.

I took a shower today and played it cool. I watch Will & Grace and ate a mini-pizza for lunch. Lauren and the drama freaks took off for New York City today, despire school being canceled. While I was eating lunch I watched The Station Agent, which my dad and I had bought weeks ago. Things just never get watched in this house. It was such an amazing movie. So good. After that I was bored, but I was so relaxed, so *gasp* I washed the pan I made pizza with. I was a little shocked the thought had even entered my head. I can be so caring when no one is bothering me.

The surfboard and I are, alas, no longer together. Seeing as he was sold to some guy on eBay for $327. None of which I have. At the most I was going to pay $250. But no, that kind of dashed my chances. And my hopes. I don't think I'm going to look for awhile.

I started sketching out plans for my desk today. But they're pretty crude and I'm still not sure what I'm going to do with my room. I kind of want to move all the furniture around this weekend, but it all weighs a ton. We'll see how it goes.

I'm a pretty impressive Indo-boarder these days. I was up on the nose for a good 5 minutes. It's scary how easy it is for me to balance. My legs started twitching though, from all the exercise. That was also a little scary.

I'm such a boring writer when I'm relaxed. I'm so close to falling asleep and it's only 6:19. I also slept in today until about 9. So I have no excuses. I've even been drinking Coke all day long. 5 minutes of exercise and I'm ready to take a nap. Perhaps the caffiene is to blame for the twitching problem. When I went to Broadway Desserts with Lauren I had about 10 cups of punch and I couldn't keep my hand from shaking.
posted by Rachel | |

2-24-05 "Gizoogle."

For those of you who are phonetically challenged.
posted by Rachel | |

2-23-05 "Johnny Cochran Can't Save You Now."

Worst. Week. Ever. There's no way in hell I can put a positive spin on all the crap that has happened this week. So I'll just spill all the horrible, awful things that have occured and let you draw your own conclusions. Bear in mind, it's only Wednesday and I had Monday off, and already I'm ready to kill someone.

Tuesday - I found out that Mr. Christie will be teaching Television Production. That conviently narrows down my choice of electives for next year. I have to do Fantasy NASCAR in Sports Marketing. If there's anything I know less about than football, it would be NASCAR. Sometimes I wonder what kind of state I live in, and then rednecks driving in circles is the number one sport. In English I got a 40% on the notecards I had to hand in for my paper on Andy Warhol. That was not so bad. It was the note attached to them emblazoned with phrases like, "What happened?" and "You ususally do such a complete job." As if this incredible guilt wasn't enough, someone mentioned my grade to Paarth and he spent a good 5 minutes laughing out loud in class. I wanted to die right then and there. My chance to do so came ever so close, when at lunch, I almost choked on a chicken nugget. Yes, a near death experience fit in just perfectly with my day. Film was the saving grace of the day at that point. We finished watching Journeys With George and moved onto Super Size Me. Both of which are very funny and cheered me up. Only to get stomped upon the moment I got on the bus. For you see, the group of guys who sit in the back, completely swept up in the gangsta lifestyle while they listen to iPods, have decided that it's very funny to throw things at me. I'm not talking all things, they have yet to rip the seats off the floor and hurl them at me, but pens, broken pencils. And this was not the first time. This has been going on for about 5 days. And no matter what I do, it will not stop. Sarah was sitting next to me that day, and I had hoped they would relent. Oh, but no, they just tossed stuff at the both of us. So Sarah threw it back. I was really glad she was there. But she was only there for one day, so it's back to usual.

Today - Today was unpleasant school-wise of course. I had Physics twice and Math was confusing. History was about average, lots of fun, but still so much note-taking. I was so glad for today to be over, and as soon as I walked out of Physics, my first though was, "FREEDOM!" Until I got on the bus. Today the list of things thrown at me included, but is not limited to, several pens, a bag of mini M&Ms, which are not in the slightest bit forgiving when making contact with my head, and a bottle of eye-liner. The latter evokes a serious "What?" because trying to fathom where a group of boys would get eye-liner is beyond me. I was very tempted to get up and hand it to the nearest one, with a very friendly, "I think this fell out of your purse." But no, I kept my calm. Because deep down in my heart I know one thing...

I can sue their asses off.
posted by Rachel | |

2-21-05 "R.I.P. Gidget..."

The closet is, dare I say it, done. I'll put up a picture later maybe. And just so you won't worry, it has been properly feng-shui-ed and a small stream has been erected flowing in a northern direction. Whether or not it will eventually flood the basement is beyond my control.

Successful Ikea trip, a.k.a. this time we actually bought something. I think we bought enough stuff to make up for all the times we left empty-handed. Most of the shopping was specifically closet-related, and my dad went crazy buying hooks for the racks. We have enough to individually hang every Beanie Babie ever produced and then fought over by distraught, middle-aged parents. My dad also got some magazine boxes because he subscribes to like, 2 magazines and doesn't know what to do. Try paying for the 7 I get, and then finding a place for them. Although to be fair, I don't think I'm even paying for some of them, because they just keep showing up at my door. I've got to start canceling my subscriptions, it's crazy over here. If you saw my room you'd think I had OCD and had been collecting Life Magazines since the moon landing.

I did manage to find a suitable dish for me to keep my keys in. It's made of bamboo and currently only contains my cell phone and some spare change, seeing as I have lost my keys. They'll turn up eventually, I'm probably just sitting on them. We once got lost driving to the Grand Canyon in Arizona because we couldn't find the map, only to stop at a gas station to ask directions and find my mom was sitting on it the whole time.

I've got a bunch of English homework I neglected to do over this 3-day weekend. Which reminds me, I can't remember what I did this weekend. I'm assuming it involved me being too lazy to get off my ass, but what else? Probably something eBay related. I've got to get moving on this homework, this is outrageously lazy of me. Nui aloha
posted by Rachel | |


Again, all negligence on my part is totally my fault. Unless it's yours, which is totally possible in this day and age. Anyway, I'm in a chipper mood. I bought a necklace on eBay, and it came with a free bar of surf wax, so I'm totally jazzed about that. eBay has become my new best friend, and I found a chair I really want. Actually I found the pieces to the chair I absolutely love. Some guy in Orlando sells the Eiffel bases to Eames' chairs, and I'm totally saving up to buy one. They're like $65. I'm also on a routine surfboard watch that seems to have actually paid off. I hate to jinx it folks, but I'm in love. And he's 9'2" and bright yellow. I don't care how high the auction goes, I will pay whatever. I probably just jinxed it right there. We'll see.

Anyway, I'm coming around to the color yellow after we painted the closet. I put in baseboard, and I went with a 6" instead of the standard 4". I personally painted it crisp white, and about halfway through my dad came downstairs to complain about my brush strokes. I then reminded him that I'm not the one who spilled half a quart of bright yellow paint on the floor of the closet, you know, like he did. He put in the shelving today, and it doesn't really look that bad. I get to go to Ikea tomorrow so we can pick up another rack. I'm going on a shopping spree. I'm going to try my best to restrain myself, but we'll see. After all, it's a furniture store, and I'm me. It's a powerful attraction even I can't explain.
posted by Rachel | |

2-11-05 "Animosity"

Formerly known as "10 Things I Hate About You," before we were sued, and then changed for originality to "There Are Simply Too Many To List."

I hate eBay and all eBay related products and nostalgia.
I hate money and my individuality.
I hate my brother who is the world's most selfish cry-baby.
I hate having wonderful friends and not getting to spend enough time with them.
I hate having awful people in my life who seem to pop up everywhere I go.
I hate being the 3rd Wheel, because it's like being on a bad game show without the double entendres and the lifetime supply of Rice-A-Roni.
I hate the sadness in my heart.
I hate socializing, because I'm so bad at it.
I hate the pity-party I'm going to invoke by inaudibly vocalizing all this.
I hate Valentine's Day, but completely support the idea of corporate holidays. I will, of course, be celebrating Enron Day in 20 to life.
I hate the fact that I've been so depressed lately, because it really just sucks.
I hate being me. No, I dislike being me, because hate is such a strong word and I can barely lift my arm.
I hate pretending to watch what I eat because we all know I'm not looking anyway.
I hate the fact that for me, "getting dolled up" means remembering to buy my cousin the latest Barbie real estate venture.
I hate that the novelty of my mp3 player has worn off.
I hate that I can never seem to finish things. Except for this. Which I'll be ending soon because it's getting a tad melancholy. Yeah, sigh. You heard me. I sighed.
posted by Rachel | |


Busy, busy week. I tried to write some of the past events in here, but I was just too busy to find the time. I'm going to fail History now, because I'm taking time away from my essay to write this, but I don't feel the least bit guilty because I'm lazy. On Monday things seemed to progress well, until of course I actually tried to leave school. Which is much harder then it sounds, becuase my bus didn't show up. Leaving me and 15 of my bus mates stranded. So I called my dad and he said he would pick me up in a bit. Meanwhile Dan went inside to complain to the school, because really, you can't leave 15+ people with no way home. It gives me a whole new reason not to pay my taxes later in life. So my dad got there around 2:30 and thankfully he had the station wagon, because we also took home Dan, Geri, and that girl who thinks my name is Raquel.

And because that whole hour-long period left me very stressed and a disbeliever of the system, I went outside and sat in my hammock for the better part of half an hour. It was more of a protest of the undecided weather we've been having lately. I'm ready for Spring to get here, like real soon, because the whole cold-weather-but-no-snow thing just isn't my bag.

Tuesday-school was not so fun. Not so bad either, just mostly boring. Tuesday-after school Weintraut started the Tuesday movie thing, and this week it was Napolean Dynamite, so I watched it. I got there about 2:05 because I'm a loser and am exceedingly punctual. Weintraut had started making popcorn, and by the time he was finished, this other guy came in, who I'm assuming is a sophomore because he wanted to take IB next year, and sat down. I passed him the popcorn and Weintraut gave me the remote and told me to start the movie around 2:15ish, or whenever I felt the last of the people had showed up. So I waited, and waited, in silence because that guy was a bit of a nerd, until around 2:10. At which point I started the movie because it was only going to be the two of us. People started showing up later, but there were no more than 5 people in the room at any given time. It was a good movie, but I definitely would not have paid to see it or rent it. Next week is Ray, but I don't know if I'll be around or if I'll have the time to go.

Today was pretty casual, I did nothing of any value in art, but did just enough not to call attention to my laziness. In Sports Marketing we watched Super Bowl commercials online, which is much better than having to wait through the game to see them. During English we were in the library with a sub, so I just read up on Andy Warhol for my paper. No one else seemed to be doing work, so I read very slowly.

I actually read this interesting article about how in the 60's Warhol's focus was on things that were commonplace and familiar to everyone, and how over the years Brillo pads have changed boxes and no one recognizes the people in the pictures, and now they're not a piece of Pop Art, but just regular art. It was really philosophical, and I totally understood it, so I'm kind of disoriented now. Film was interesting to say the least. We went over documentary styles and tips for organzing and choosing a subject. We're still unsure about what we're going to do ours about, but we have some ideas. While discussing all this, Weintraut somehow manged to coin the phrase, "umbrella of sexuality." For the rest of the class we watched Trekkies and laughed at sci-fi losers.
posted by Rachel | |


Today was pretty uneventful, but it was fun. This morning Michelle called me around 9:20, asked me if I wanted to go out for lunch. I rather bluntly pointed out the time, and she said that we'll go around noon, you know, closer to lunch time. When she picked me up, her mom was with her, so she drove back to her house and we picked up the other car. I got to meet Ms. Ayers' son. He is just the cutest thing ever. He has the biggest blue eyes ever. He kept looking at me strangely when I got in the car, but by the time we got to Michelle's house he was smiling and laughing. Then we drove over to Fairfax and managed not to get so lost like last time. We had lunch at Red Hot & Blue because Michelle has been talking about it since the last time we went. We even got the same waitress, and she vaguely remembered us.

After lunch we couldn't think of anything to do, and I wanted to go check out the prices at the surf shop, so we drove over there. The store was closed until 4 though, and it was about 2, so we left. We just drove around for a little while, and then Michelle said we should go roller skating. I was all for it, but we realized we needed more people. So I called Jennifer. Turns out she was at the Tyson's. With Joel. Michelle wanted to know who Joel was, and so when Jennifer put me on hold to talk to Allison, Michelle called Allison to get Jennifer off the phone. So as we're driving along, Michelle's making plans for Allison and Jennifer to double date on Valentine's Day while I'm relaying all this information to Jennifer. She was slightly mortified. So I said that Michelle and I would meet her at the mall so we could meet Joel, and she said told us not to come. I figured we'd probably crash their quasi-date. Instead we just drove around some more and got supremely bored. We haven't quite found ways to pass the time. We made plans for the summer though, that will probably never happen because they involve fake IDs and heavy makeup.

Michelle dropped me off at home around 4, and then I sat around doing nothing until I decided to eat a bowl of popcorn and watch The Endless Summer II.

I really don't want to go to school tomorrow. What are the chances of a freak snow storm?

So that's why I wrote this.
posted by Rachel | |